Add 'style' => '['.EGMap::MAPTYPECONTROL_STYLE_HORIZONTAL_BAR.', "map_style"]', in view page
$gMap = new EGMap(); $gMap->setWidth('auto'); $gMap->setHeight(500); $gMap->zoom = 11; $mapTypeControlOptions = array( 'position' => EGMapControlPosition::RIGHT_TOP, 'style' => '['.EGMap::MAPTYPECONTROL_STYLE_HORIZONTAL_BAR.', "map_style"]', );Replace this code in EGMap.php
public function registerMapScript($afterInit=array(), $language = null, $region = 'bd', $position = CClientScript::POS_LOAD) { // TODO: include support in the future $params = 'sensor=false'; $params .= '&libraries=places'; if ($language !== null) $params .= '&language=' . $language; if ($region !== null) $params .= '& region=' . $region; CGoogleApi::init(); CGoogleApi::register('maps', '3', array('other_params' => $params)); $this->registerPlugins(); $js = ''; $init_events = array(); if (null !== $this->_appendTo) { $init_events[] = "$('{$this->getContainer()}').appendTo('{$this->_appendTo}');" . PHP_EOL; } // this for color change $style_array_here="[ { featureType: 'landscape', elementType: 'all', stylers: [ { hue: '#fad99d' }, { saturation: 87 }, { lightness: -10 }, { visibility: 'on' } ] },{ featureType: 'water', elementType: 'all', stylers: [ { hue: '#fad99d' }, { saturation: 82 }, { lightness: 16 }, { visibility: 'on' } ] } ]; var styledMap = new google.maps.StyledMapType(styles, {name: 'Styled Map'}) "; $init_events[] = 'var styles = '.$this->encode($style_array_here).';' . PHP_EOL; $init_events[] = 'var mapOptions = ' . $this->encode($this->options) . ';' . PHP_EOL; $init_events[] = 'var '.$this->getJsName() . ' = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("' . $this->getContainerId() . '"), mapOptions); '.$this->getJsName().'.mapTypes.set("map_style", styledMap); '.$this->getJsName().'.setMapTypeId("map_style");' . PHP_EOL; // add some more events $init_events[] = $this->getEventsJs(); $init_events[] = $this->getMarkersJs(); $init_events[] = $this->getDirectionsJs(); $init_events[] = $this->getPluginsJs(); $init_events[] = $this->getPolygonsJs(); $init_events[] = $this->getCirclesJs(); $init_events[] = $this->getRectanglesJs(); if (is_array($afterInit)) { foreach ($afterInit as $ainit) $init_events[] = $ainit; } if ($this->getGlobalVariable($this->getJsName() . '_info_window')) $init_events[] = $this->getJsName() . '_info_window=new google.maps.InfoWindow();'; if ($this->getGlobalVariable($this->getJsName() . '_info_box') && $this->resources->itemAt('infobox_config')) $init_events[] = $this->getJsName (). '_info_box=new InfoBox('. $this->resources->itemAt('infobox_config').');'; // declare the Google Map Javascript object as global $this->addGlobalVariable($this->getJsName(), 'null'); $js = $this->getGlobalVariables(); Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScript('EGMap_' . $this->getJsName(), $js, CClientScript::POS_HEAD); $js = 'function ' . $this->_containerId . '_init(){' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($init_events as $init_event) { if ($init_event) { $js .= $init_event . PHP_EOL; } } $js .= ' } google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "load",' . PHP_EOL . $this->_containerId . '_init);' . PHP_EOL; Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScript($this->_containerId . time(), $js, CClientScript::POS_END); }